Update on the Fifteenth of January (2023)
First and most importantly, there should be some new pages linked down below, take a look.
I do love how I left this dormant enough it's now necessary to put the year in the update date. If you look at the Archive link just now, you'll see a list of half-written pages. These will remain half-written forever, except for one which was very time-sensitive and would be hilarious to release as if it were current and new and up-to-date.
I'm going to try some other things out with this site—that is, as a rule, uploading things I'm interested in putting here, when I'm interested in putting them here. That means no more concurrent plans for overlong devotional text-based shrines to media I and everyone else would otherwise forget about within a week.
There'll be some restructuring, but there's going to be several new LUS pages—more than one, I know!—by the end of today. Equip your novelty grey-and-black LUS berets.
Legacy note: a while back, I wrote something fictional and fake for issue four of Ear Rat Magazine, which is your favourite one! (Although, I've heard the more recent ones are fairly fancy also.) Remember to leave aggressively enthusiastic and congratulatory comments—preferably about the magazine, but I can't stop your heart doing what it wants.

Dogs, Confectionary, Lying: The Chocolate Lab.

Iceland love <3, too many links for one page and a poorly advised year of posting: The Eurovision Song Contest 2020.
Less new!

Sewage, skeletons and the final culmination of my months-long exercise in not knowing when to stop: Godzilla Versus Hedorah.